Visual Expressions Tattoo

775 Silver Lane, East Hartford CT 06118

Call: (860) 568- 6656

Walk-ins are welcome.

*Piercings done Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays ONLY*

Please check our FAQ for age restrictions and all required identification before coming in.

Open Wednesday/Thursday 1pm - 8pm

Friday/Saturday 12pm - 8pm

Sunday 12pm - 6pm

Monday 11am - 5pm

Closed Tuesdays

Want to book with us?

Use this link to book a consultation with a tattoo artist, a one hour tattoo, or a piercing with Mynx. If you’d like to book for longer than an hour, or are not sure how long your tattoo will take, you can always call or email us!

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Contact Us:
(860) 568-6656

775 Silver Lane
East Hartford, CT 06118